Willkommen im schönen Schwarzwald

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Willkommen im schönen Schwarzwald

The holiday apartment boasts a private balcony. The property also has access to a shared garden. 2 parking spaces are available on the property. Families with children are welcome. Pets are not allowed. There are security cameras and/or audio recording devices on the premises. Bicycles can be stored in a basement room, and motorcycles can be parked under a carport. Guests should be aware that it may be required to clear the snow during winter months. This property has guidelines to help guests with the correct separation of waste. More information is provided on site. This property has...

The holiday apartment boasts a private balcony. The property also has access to a shared garden. 2 parking spaces are available on the property. Families with children are welcome. Pets are not allowed. There are security cameras and/or audio recording devices on the premises. Bicycles can be stored in a basement room, and motorcycles can be parked under a carport. Guests should be aware that it may be required to clear the snow during winter months. This property has guidelines to help guests with the correct separation of waste. More information is provided on site. This property has light and water-saving features. The electricity at this property is partly generated by photovoltaic panels. Sustainable materials have been used in the insulation at this property. After booking, please completely fill out the Holidu contact form that will be sent to you by email, including your address. This will help the host to prepare your stay in the best possible way.

The holiday apartment boasts a private balcony. The property also has access to a shared garden.

2 parking spaces are available on the property. Families with children are welcome. Pets are not allowed. There are security cameras and/or audio recording devices on the premises. Bicycles can be stored in a basement room, and motorcycles can be parked under a carport. Guests should be aware that it may be required to clear the snow during winter months. This property has guidelines to help guests with the correct separation of waste. More information is provided on site. This property has light and water-saving features. The electricity at this property is partly generated by photovoltaic panels. Sustainable materials have been used in the insulation at this property. After booking, please completely fill out the Holidu contact form that will be sent to you by email, including your address. This will help the host to prepare your stay in the best possible way.

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Operating Mode

Holiday apartment


Rural area
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Breitenberg 877740 Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
Telephone  +4915904075684

  • Imprint

    Ferienwohnung Josy
    Herr Stefan Huber
    Breitenberg 8
    77740 Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
    +49 (0)7806-633

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